Do you want to try and tackle multiple laps of the same course?
Here are the details on how to make that happen:
- Season Pass Holders
- If you are a Season Pass Holder and would like to run a 2nd (3rd, 4th..) lap, you will be charged a discounted fee at the Race Day Registration tent. You can only register for your 2nd lap onsite, on race day after your first lap is completed. You can not register for your extra laps online with your Season Pass.
- Non-Season Pass Holders
- If you are not a Season Pass Holder and would like to run multiple laps (complete with a medal, t-shirt, and official finish time), regular registration fees apply. If you would like to run two laps, you will need to pay two full registration fees.
Things to note:
- Multiple laps are not guaranteed unless you have paid for a second full registration.
- We do try to allow multiple laps whenever possible, however specific heat times, being able to join a team, running with a particular person, etc. are not guaranteed.
- For the safety and enjoyment of our racers, there is a limited number of racers allowed on the course at any one time.
- During prime heat times (8 a.m.-1 p.m.), it is more likely that your request for an extra lap will be denied to prevent bottlenecks on the course.
- If any spaces are available at prime heat times, Season Pass holders will be given preference, after racers that have paid for full registrations.
- Only one lap per day, per event type, will count toward the accomplishment of a multi-trifecta.
- If you run in both the Elite and Open series, still only one run through the course, per day, per event will count towards a trifecta.